# Where I find new tech & ideas.
Once something of interest pops up, it goes onto the Backlog (the never ending TODO list of interesting tech things to learn/look into).
# Podcasts
I'm not quite a podcast addict, but I do attempt to keep track of more than is possible for someone whose full time job is not listening to podcasts. It's a loosing battle, but one that is nonetheless enjoyable!
These are the development related podcasts I've pulled into my feed (there are a bunch more non-dev ones, but you'll have to say hello to find out what they are 😉
- The Changelog (opens new window), few podcasts here (such pretty logos!) I listen to The Changelog, RFC & JS Party, Informal chats and interviews covering industry news, conferences, again there are loads of these so probably worth just listening to them as they come rather than binging.
- Codepen Radio (opens new window) The story behind Codepen, it starts off with the three founders talking about tech / start up issues. Later episodes have switched to more of an interview style show run by later additions to their team as CodePen has grown.
- Darknet Diaries (opens new window) stories of hacking, interviews with hackers, it's a fun one with some interesting lessons although it can be overly dramatic at times.
- This Developers Life (opens new window) A short series of podcasts about life as a developer. It's been a while since I listened through this one, can't remember details!
- Does Not Compute (opens new window) A couple of developers chatting about development, they lean more towards the back end but client side code does make appearances!
- Full Stack Radio (opens new window) Interviews with developers, a very wide range of technologies.
- Heavybit podcasts (opens new window) I've not listened to many of these, but intending to give them a good runthrough one day!
- HTTP 203 (opens new window) Very chatty, not too deep, they know their stuff.
- JAMstack Radio (opens new window) It's been a while since I listened to this one, can't recall! Probably like javascript jabber: interviews.
- Javascript Jabber (opens new window) Weekly chats and interviews about javascript, it's pretty wide ranging between soft and hard skills too. There are loads that go back years, probably not a good one to binge through unless you're into the history of the web.
- On-Call Nightmares (opens new window) Fun stories of things that happened while on cal, interesting lessons / view into how other companies run their on call rotas.
- Scale Your Code (opens new window) A series of interviews with developers / tech directors / people from some larger well known companies about the challenges of developing at huge scales.
- ShopTalk (opens new window) Back and forth front end banter with a few different episode formats, "rapidfire" answering loads of listener questions, som e interviews, but mostly banter. Covers tech stuff, with opinions thrown in to more of the soft skills side of things. The second podcast I started listening to after Serial!
- Soft Skills Engineering (opens new window) Listeners submit questions, these two answer with examples from their own experience. Purely about the non technical stuff surrounding development careers. Loads of banter, good fun!
- Software Engineering Daily (opens new window) mainly interviews from what I recall - this one's a bit of a firehose for your podcast feed.
- Style Guide Podcast (opens new window) From styleguides.io, this is a series of interviews with developers who have created styleguides.
- Syntax (opens new window) Like many of these, 2 developers chatting about development! These two run their own tutorial businesses & do contracting, so it's an interesting view into that world as well.
- Toolsday (opens new window) Themed chats about development tools by 2 front end devs at IBM. ~20mins and pretty informal with the occasional guest appearance.
Podcast backlog (those I've yet to listen to):
- Adventures in DevOps (opens new window)
- CodeChat (opens new window)
- Codes that Changed the World (opens new window)
- Computing Britain (opens new window)
- egghead.io developer chats (opens new window)
- Legacy Code Rocks (opens new window)
- Modern Web (opens new window)
- Practical AI: Machine Learning & Data Science (opens new window)
- React Podcast (opens new window)
- World Wise Web (opens new window)
# Blog links
# Dev blogs
- https://web.dev/blog
- https://blog.chromium.org/
- https://v8project.blogspot.co.uk/ V8!
- https://news.ycombinator.com/
- https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering
- https://sdtimes.com/ Tiny articles, everything tech, fast moving.
- http://statuscode.com/ All the email newsletters!
- https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ you know it
- http://highscalability.com/ big infrastructure things
- https://betterdev.link/ curated dev links (essentially a newsletter)
- https://www.reddit.com/user/ashish2199/m/cs_student_subs/ code problems / rants
- https://jvns.ca/ epic personal dev blog
- https://www.sitepoint.com/ mor commercial feeling dev articles
- https://jakearchibald.com/
- https://scotch.io/ not so many new ones, but some interesting
- http://technews.acm.org/ IT stuff that's generally over my head
- https://lobste.rs/ kind of like HN?
- https://addyosmani.com/blog/ occasional in depth thoughts on web dev/chrome things
# resource lists
probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems networks of plausible inference
causality models reasoning and inference
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNYkxOF6rcICWx0C9LVWWVqvHlYJyqw7g a11y playlist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EashgVqboWo subscribe to that channel! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho5PnBOoacw and that one!
# Articles of interest (opens new window)
- Instagrams search architecture (opens new window): Quick overview of instagrams search process -mentions a few technologies but they seem facebook specific.
- Uber at scale with node (opens new window): Quick overview of the scale that Uber is using Node at. Node marketing!
- Functional-Light-JS (opens new window): A deep run through of basic functional programming for JavaScript. It also helps solidify an understanding of JS, particularly scopes and closures. And it has an amazing line saying that immutable variables "reduce the surface area of surprise". Love that!
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications (opens new window): In depth overviews / critiques of the system designs behind some great open source projects.
# Random other things that aren't development related but I need a place to keep them and this is a pretty good spot as far as I can tell. I mean, to be honest, I'm probably the only person who's going to be digging in this far to this website/repo. If you're not me and you're here... what on earth are you doing here!? I'm touched!
- https://www.quantamagazine.org/ in depth physics, beyond me, but a challenge is always nice!
- https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/ more physics, less in depth though
- https://phys.org/ even more physics!